Thursday, August 13, 2009


Bryanne, it was so much fun doing your pictures! You've got your mother's twinkle in your eyes and beautiful smile. You hair is so easy to work it! I'm glad your dad came too and I know Scott liked having another man on the shoot with us. Hope you like this one, I sure do. Looking forward to showing you all of them! -linda

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dunshee Family!

What a wonderful family! Guys, now we know what it might be like having a photo shoot in a rain forest. Saturday evening was crazy humid. Every few minutes I was wiping off my lens. But, what I beautiful spot Scott discovered! Worth the hike, right! Your sweet dog, "Crazy" looks so good too. I'm saving the family shots for our proofing session, but I like this one too. There's lots to show you! Thanks for the chance to get to know your great family. Good luck finding a job Jake, have fun back at U of Iowa Kate and good grace for the year in Korea, Kelsey!
-scott and linda

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Mitch, what fun working with are amazing! You are so creative. I can't wait to work on the rest of your images. See you soon. -linda

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Anna, I think you win the prize for driving the farthest! Just because your mom has been one of my best friends since college didn't mean you had to come all the way from Colorado to have Dramatic Memories do your senior pictures...but I'm glad you did!! Hope you enjoy them. Here are two fun ones to hold you over until you can see the rest. Enjoy the rest of your trip and give your grandparents big hugs from me! -linda


Jessica, I'm so excited you choose us to do your senior pictures! Thanks for driving up from Johnston. I know you are an artist and I love trying to express a person's love of the arts in photography. Here are a few images from Monday night's shoot. Hope you like the one in the field...thanks for working with me on this one! See you and your parents soon to pick out your favorites. -linda