Thursday, October 29, 2009

Michael and Friends!

What a fun time! You guys are so cool. I can't wait until you cut your first album. I would love to shoot your album cover! Thanks for the help holding the light when we were outside too, guys. Michael, look forward to showing you the rest soon. -linda

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lehmann Family!

Hey guys! Great to meet you all, even if we had to do a "studio session" instead of outside. It just always seems to be raining. You guys are a wonder family. It was a pleasure to do your family portraits. Can't wait to show you the rest next week! Cheers, Linda

Friday, October 16, 2009

big girl Grace!

Grace, you're getting so BIG! This was the last session of your "First Year Baby Plan" and it has been fun!! Here is short trip down Memory Lane. Hope to see you again soon! -Linda